Tuesday 26 March 2013

Video Reflections

Hey all, i have chosen to provide you with a summary of the movie, 'The 11th Hour' as it sounds quite interesting.
The 11 hour is a documentary that explores the environmental problems that the world has suffered and is in the process of suffering by providing detailed interviews and reports of experts who have researched the possibility of 'climate change' and offer their opinion on what people in our world need to do in order to avert a global disaster. 

One major point they mentioned in this documentary was that even if we stopped and/or reduced our pollution of the planet by using renewable resources, such as solar energy from the sun and other such sustainable energy sources the world's climate will still increase due to our large and unsupportable population. One statement made in this documentary was that the world was a once beautiful place that could contain a population of less than a billion people, but as we grew over time, technology and industry grew with us until nearly most of the world's land mass was taken over. Large corporations are taking advantage of the environment and putting greed and the pursuit of power and money, over the welfare of others. They mistakenly see nature as something that can be exploited without limitations, however, what they need to realise is that we are living in one big eco-system, and if one part of an eco-system fails, then the whole system will collapse. 

What this documentary also addresses is that even though humans have grown to sit on the top of the food chain, we are still a relatively young species and no matter what we do or how we do our reign will inevitable come to an end. As stated 99.99% or all species become extinct, and the damage that we are doing to the world brings us closer to 'the eleventh hour' which is the last possible moment in time we have where we can do something to avert or change our fate of chaos and disaster. We are destroying the world and all life within it, over 50 000 species a year are disappearing from our planet and are becoming extinct. Industrial designers have a duty and an obligation to stand up and say something to the large manufacturers that create an abundance of products which will ultimately end up as waste and pollution. Although everyone has the ability to speak out, designers are the ones who continue to make products which they know are a waste of precious minerals and energy that we do not have. Why design something which will last for a year when for the same amount, you can design something that will last a decade? Designers need to realise that the big companies are out for profit and not for sustainability, they want their money and they don't care how they get it even if they end up destroying the world. Even the amount of money spent on advertising each year (money which some countries don't have and need to borrow) could change the world if it was just put to better use and this video, opens up people's eyes to the atrocities that have been taking place since the industrial revolution. 

People living in clean populated countries like our's believe that everything will be alright, however they do not see how each and everyone of their decisions to buy a certain product has on the environment. So you want to buy a new couch, do you know what went into to making that product? or where the materials that were used to make that product came from? Its questions like these that people don't ask which could change the way we think in society and could put an end to the irreparably damage we are doing to our world. 

This documentary shows us how important the environment is to us. We are connected to nature just as our limbs are connected to us and the unexplained importance of nature will help us unlock the key to our sustainable and clean future. Animals like the spider which can create a material 5x stronger than steel in its abdomen at room temperature is the key to our future. We spend large amounts of money on creating building materials like steel and carbon alloy which pollute our air and soil during the manufacturing process when all we need to do is take a step back and conduct more research in how things occur naturally in our environment without the aid of extreme heats and other terrible chemicals.  Part of the solution to a perfect world is for us as people to live in harmony with nature as opposed to controlling it and with the help of a few leading experts around the world, including Mikhail Gorbachev, Stephen Hawking, James Woolsey and sustainable design experts William McDonough and Bruce Mau we will open the world's eyes to the most important environmental issues facing the earth at this moment.
The world is one large, giant ecosystem which holds some of the most beautiful discoveries man has ever made. What we are doing to our world is not only wrong but completely selfish as we are not the only lives on this planet we are destroying. Our ignorance will be our downfall, and like other great disasters in history, we will not have the benefit of hindsight to fix it, we only get one chance and from what I've seen from today's world leaders total planetary damage will be the only possibility of our future.

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