Tuesday 27 September 2011

Video Blog Bill Moggridge: What Is Design?

Bill Moggridge: What Is Design?

In his video Bill explores the nature of design in everyday life and in society. Since nearly everything in the world is man-made, nearly everything in the world is designed and with these designs, Bill talks about how bad designs are needed in order to show us which designs are the best. In his video Bill Moggridge shows us examples of both bad and good designs. He states that in the design process of a product there is still a big separation between the design of the product and of the applications that are used in conjunction with that product, that is why most of your bad designs today are connected to technology.

In this video Bill talks about the key aspects of the design process and says that if you have a sophisticated understanding of how people think, their needs and desires and have a sophisticated way of building prototypes then you are most likely to succeed in the design process. Good innovation is achieved when you conduct qualitative research in order to understand and interpret what people want and need. When you understand the needs of society, you are then able to design your product from a business perspective and the combination of both these aspects will greatly increase your chances of success on the market. The design process is always important when thinking about a new project and although Bill states that the main aspects of the process are prototypes and the understanding of how people interact with the product, constant evaluation is also important. The design process is not a set list of instructions that you have to follow when designing a product. Depending on your design brief and the constraints of your design, the design process might change as the constant evaluation will force you to look over your mistakes and make you start again.

Another important point made in this video is that when you are designing a product you should always consider every aspect of the design and not just those aspects which relate to yourself. For example, designers who are left handed, wouldn't design a handheld tool that can only be used for left handers, but would consider every aspect of the target market, e.g. left vs right, big vs small, old vs young, strength vs weak, and then would change his design accordingly.

Monday 12 September 2011

Peer Comments

Here is a list of the blogs which I have commented on:

1: http://christine-x.blogspot.com/2011/09/spatula-concept-poster-hero-shot.html?showComment=1315833148953#c8896063821679569155








9:  http://ghinaali.blogspot.com/2011/09/luxury-at-your-hands.html?showComment=1316188955168#c3172690012424428383

10: http://designingantheasworld.blogspot.com/2011/09/assignment-stuff.html?showComment=1316189226873#c6163972723656787117

11: http://rowenagoodall.blogspot.com/2011/09/usage-storyboard-garlic-crusher.html?showComment=1316189528604#c4705076136267265340

Sunday 11 September 2011

Project 1: Experience Enrichment, The Water Wiper

Here is the list of things we needed to complete for our first studio design project and what I have posted in the following order:

-Product Poster

-Product Usage Storyboard


Experience Enrichment Product Rationale
By Luke Messina (z3376270)
My window wiper design is unique for the main reason that it explores a whole new area of ergonomics than the variety of other window wipers on the market. For example, my design uses an ergonomically enhanced handle that allows maximum comfort for the wrist while reducing the strain that normal window wipers usually generate. My design does this by creating a handle that allows your wrist to remain in a straight position relieving the pain one usually receives when wiping from side to side with another product.
When deciding on the shape of this product, I used curves and free flowing lines to make this product aesthetically pleasing while still catering to the functionality between the product and its human user. As you can see with my model the curve that represents the handle has been designed in a way that when you grip the handle, the curve feels like it fits in the palm of your hand as it follows the natural way your fingers sit while gripping an object. The small and smooth indent which you might not even realize is there has been purposely placed so that your thumb naturally sits in the position allowing the user to subconsciously realize the right way to hold the product while allowing the thumb to put pressure on the wiper without it slipping off. This indent and the shape of the handle were all made to maximize comfort while also allowing the user to stay in control of the product, especially when being used in a wet environment.
The large handle space allows anyone to use this product with ease and comfort while allowing the product to be hung or placed on a hook or extruding handle in order for it to be stored. This large space also cuts down material usage, which needs to be considered if this product was to be mass-produced. As this product needs to be made from one piece, in order to reduce the amount of small areas where water can penetrate and cause degradation, I have decided that the manufacturing process for my design should be injection molding as the high pressure ensures good surface finish, fine reproduction of detail and excellent repeatability. The thermoplastic scrap used in this process can be recycled in this process however, my product has been designed in a way that combines ergonomics, aesthetics and function to enable the user to keep this product till the end of its life cycle.
In the final stages of my design process I realised that my product is special as it is the only window wiper that is comfortable to use both vertically and horizontally while still allowing maximum comfort for the wrist. If you measure my product you will find that the length of the blade is also slightly longer than the body of my product allowing the wiper to be used in tight corners and spaces. The body of the wiper also does not exceed a width of 20 millimetres at any point on the product, and so does not interfere with the function of the wiper, allowing users to use this product in situations and places where a straight and longer handle would interfere.
My design caters to wide target market as it is easy to use due to enhanced ergonomics and increased wrist protection for every user, however I would have never made it this far without constant evaluation of every aspect of my product. This includes both constructive criticism from my peers as well as constant evaluation by myself throughout my design process and without this my product would not be as successful as others on the market.

-Technical Drawings