Tuesday 10 May 2011

Foam Modelling Assessment

This Foam modelling exercise was done in-class over a week and wasn't exactly my best work, lol. I passed with 57 so at least I don't have to redo anything but still, hopefully i can do better with the MDF foam model.

If anyone has any trouble figuring out what it is, just letting you know that its meant to be a clock radio.... apparently.

Btw, it was sanded pretty well when i handed it in, just got a little bit handled when i put it in my bag to take home.... oh well.


  1. woahhhhh, pretty goooood! i only passed by 2 marks XD happiest day of my lifeeeeeeeeeeee. i was so certain i had to redo it. even stuck the back piece upside down -__-

  2. Lol nice work.... well im so glad i dont have to do it again cause if i did i would jst be like cbf and then walk out..... how did u manage to stick it upside down and still pass lol, people in my class failed for that.

  3. SERIOUS?! i guess im extremely lucky :X
