Monday 4 April 2011

Struggle Street with my 2D Relief

Wow... I've spent the whole weekend thinking up ideas on how i can make my 2D Relief and when i finally thought up a good one, it fails when i try and put it together.
 I really should clean up, but no way.... im too tired.
Failed project, but really don't have time to start again. Omg, why is this so hard.


  1. Oh no :( I've only just finished the sculpture now....your relief concept is so good! I hope mine doesn't decide to fail tonight :s

  2. Well at least youve finished something, my idea sounded good in my head but really did not turn out well once i put it on the cardboard. lol, who cares anymore, i just wanna finish this shit and sleep tmoz :(

  3. i dont kno why you think it is a failed project, coz i think it's brilliant. you should be happy :D

  4. Replies
    1. Really? sucks to be you then, lol :P dw bout it, its not worth that much and the lecturers will always find something wrong with your work... they just love to criticise. Im guessing your a first year... how r u finding it?
